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Search Results for "John Crossan"
How Myths Shape Reality | John Dominic Crossan
Jesus - The Power of Parable (John Dominic Crossan)
The Search for the Historical Paul - John Dominic Crossan
J.D. Crossan 2000 UNI lecture on the historical Jesus
The Real Historical Jesus | John Dominic Crossan PhD
Render Unto Caesar The Struggle Over Christ And Culture - Professor John Dominic Crossan
The Dangers of Fundamentalism -- John Dominic Crossan
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: What Really Happened? | John Dominic Crossan
John Dominic Crossan on The Right to Question the Bible
Did Jesus LITERALLY Rise From The Dead? |John Dominic Crossan PhD on @History-Valley
Who was Jesus - John Dominic Crossan and N.T. Wright
John Dominic Crossan - The Birth of Jesus